Shooting Ranges Overview

Trap Range Rifle Range Pistol Range 3D Archery Range Indoor Archery
Trap Range Rifle Range Pistol Range 3D Archery Range Indoor Archery
The trap range consists of two trap machines and shooting areas and is open on Wednesday nights from April through October. More ... You may shoot at a yardage of your choice up to the 200 yard distance. There is a stationary covered pavilion at 100 yards for your convenience. More... This covered pavilion has 10 shooting stations. The shooting distance is 25 yards. You may shoot at any safe closer distance when you are the only one shooting. More... This range has 30 shooting stations at varying distances with 3D targets of varying size and animal type. There are elevated and ground level shooting stations. More... The indoor archery range is currently available only during club sanctioned shoots. The maximum shooting distance is 20 yards. Youth Archery is available as well. More...

All club members must complete a Range Orientation Class consisting of approximately one hour of discussion prior to using the pistol and/or rifle ranges. If you are renewing your membership and have already completed the class, you do not have to complete the class a second time. If you are a new member or an existing member that has not completed the class, you may contact a person listed to arrange for the class time. 

Contacts for Range Orientation:
- Dave Styx (517) 795-1008
- Chuck Donnell (517) 206-7938
- Norm Zakarewski (567) 202-3260
- Max Mcfeters (386) 547-3369

All members and guests using the rifle, pistol, or 3D archery ranges are required to sign in and guest(s) must deposit $5 per visit in a lock box at the club entrance to help defray range costs. Everyone must also sign out when leaving the range. There is small barn on a post at the gated club entrance with a sign in/out clip board inside. This requirement is for safety and to permit JCOC staff to know who is doing the shooting without traveling to the range. We do have occasional trespassers.
Note: Members may bring a guest(s) a maximum of three times per calendar year.

Firearms and bows may only be loaded and discharged in designated areas.
Failure to follow this rule may result in immediate termination of your membership.



There is NO hunting on club grounds.

Jackson Michigan Outdoor Club

Trap Range
The Trap Range is open Wednesday nights beginning the first Wednesday in April and continues through the last Wednesday in October. There are two trap machines and shooting areas. Shooting begins at 5 PM and continues until everyone has shot as many rounds as they wish. Charges are $5 for all adults and $4 for youths under age 18 for a round consisting of 25 clay pigeons. Shells are not included or sold at the club.

The trap machines are not available to members, except on Wednesdays at the nightly shoot. However, you may bring a hand thrower or portable trap machine of your own and use it at the trap area. Please check to make certain there are no 3D, rifle or pistol target shooters using those ranges before you shoot at the trap range. Those areas are directly North of the trap ranges and in the line of fire. There is a free pizza party for the last shoot of the year.

Jackson Michigan Outdoor Club

Rifle Range
The Rifle Range is open from sunrise to sunset everyday of the year. EXCEPTION: NO SHOOTING ON SUNDAYS UNTIL NOON DUE TO NEARBY CHURCH SERVICES. You may shoot at a yardage of your choice up to the 200 yard distance. There is a stationary covered pavilion at the 100 yard distance for your convenience.

The first person at the rifle range is considered "Range Officer" as others arrive. However, anyone may call a cease fire at any time for any reason. You are responsible for bringing and disposing of your own targets (no glass). Please dispose of your empty casings and targets in the provided receptacles. The range is rarely crowded due to the generous hours of available shooting time.

Jackson Michigan Outdoor Club

Pistol Range
The Pistol Range is open sunrise to sunset everyday of the year. EXCEPTION: NO SHOOTING ON SUNDAYS UNTIL NOON DUE TO NEARBY CHURCH SERVICES. The Pistol Range has a covered pavilion with 10 shooting stations. The shooting distance is 25 yards. You may shoot at any safe closer distance if you are the only one shooting or if others shooting agree.

The first person at the range is considered "Range Officer" as others arrive. However, anyone may call a cease fire at any time for any reason. Please, no rifle shooting at the pistol range for obvious reasons. A mesh wire target attachment area is provided and kept up by JCOC. You are responsible for bringing and disposing of your own targets. Please dispose of spent cartridges and targets in provided receptacles. The range is rarely crowded due to the generous hours of available shooting time.

Jackson Michigan Outdoor Club

3D Archery Range
The 3D Archery Range is open sunrise to sunset in early spring through late fall. The range has 30 shooting stations at varying distances with 3D targets of varying size and animal type. There are elevated and ground level shooting stations. There are Sunday sanctioned club shoots beginning late spring that are open to the public. During the sanctioned shoots, the range is closed to members not participating in the shoot. Prizes are awarded in several different classes. There is a charge to shoot in the sanctioned shoots. Breakfast is usually available at the club.

Jackson Michigan Outdoor Club

Indoor Archery
The Indoor Archery Range is currently available only during club sanctioned shoots. The maximum shooting distance is 20 yards. Youth Archery in late winter/early spring is available to members, and non-members if space is available. There is current discussion among the Executive and Director board members regarding changing this policy. Monitoring is a must if unrestricted use of the indoor archery range is permitted.

Indoor Archery Jackson MI
Youth Indoor Archery

Jackson Michigan Outdoor Club

Jackson County Outdoor Club
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